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Mou, surname Liang, name Su, is a native of j city and works at the Land Bureau. His position isn't high but it's not low either. He handles quite a few land projects. As you know, those working in th...Staff came to pull people away, and the onlookers finally couldn't stand it anymore. Several different voices rose up.

"He Ya, know when to stop. You've already lost, why are you still struggling! Just let her go, she isn't pursuing your responsibility, that's enough face for you already!"

"Yeah, we've already lost. Just stop being so shameless!"

"If I were you, I'd rather not have this fame. I wouldn't plagiarize other people's work and claim it as my own!"

"That's so embarrassing!"

Male and female voices, like muffled thunder, exploded in He Ya's ears, leaving her stunned. She couldn't understand how she had lost. These were clearly her things; how could they become hers stealing from others

Although the staff was being paid by He's family, they were accustomed to such behavior in the art world and didn't find it shameful. Seeing He Ya's face shift colors like a kaleidoscope—red, green, black, white—they didn't actually stop the woman with glasses. In a flash, the woman with glasses left along with some guests who had grown tired of the situation.

He Ya was stunned for a long time, finally came to her senses, and then roared out.

"How did I lose How was I plagiarized These are clearly my works, mine, mine!"

Those who hadn't completely left the exhibition hall upon hearing this shook their heads, and looked down even more on He Ya!

Those who refuse to admit the truth even when faced with such evidence are the kind of people who would do something as vulgar as "one woman challenging two men." This level of crudeness and depravity makes me believe the rumors about her trying to seduce Rong Ling and Yu Xu, and that she is indeed a promiscuous woman, are true!

They released this smoke screen, saying something about an art exhibition and claiming things were the same as before. Are they planning to have Rong Ling paint for her These things never made sense in the first place, now it seems like utter nonsense!

Even these so-called original paintings by her, which are shoddy at best, were clearly hastily put together. They were even abandoned by the original artist! She dared to present them with such audacity!

Thus far, Old Madam He's painstaking efforts to conceal her words at Bingbing's birthday banquet have been completely exposed and suspected by others! He Ya's image of "lustful by nature" has become even more deeply ingrained, and she now also carries the reputation of shamelessly stealing other people's labor results!

He Ya may not understand, but those close to her do!

She could use all her skills and tricks, but she still couldn't stop the people who looked down on her from leaving. When most of them were gone, her family and friends could only carefully choose their words and explain to her why she had lost!

He Yaya was stunned on the spot. She couldn't believe such a result, but reason told her that what her friends and family had analyzed was indeed correct. Thinking of their scornful gazes and realizing she had ultimately done nothing worthwhile, a cold sweat broke out all over her body, and she couldn't help but cry.

"How can this be! How can this be! This is clearly my work, my work!"

Seizing one of her friends, she screamed frantically. “I painted these! Do you believe me! Do you!”

A look of embarrassment crossed her friend's face. To be honest, even she had started to suspect that He Ya might have taken something that wasn't hers!

He Yaya looked at her friend's face, and her mood immediately plummeted to a low point.

"Impossible, this is impossible, it's impossible..."

Muttering to herself, she stared blankly at the empty hall, a wave of unprecedented disappointment washing over her. Her dejected expression made her friends feel sorry for her.

"Girl, I had those paintings taken down!"

This statement, like touching a nerve, made He Ya completely furious.

“How dare you ask me to take it down! This is my work, He Ya’s creation. Why should I take it down!” She roared, angrily glaring at the friend who was carefully tending to her feelings. “No way am I taking it down, nobody is allowed to take it down for me! Whoever dares to do so, I won’t let them off! That dead woman, she’s trying to ruin me! I will find her and drag her out, make her explain why she did this, who ordered her to do it! I want her to restore my reputation, I want her to compensate me, I want her to go to jail!”

Huffing and puffing, she picked up her bag and stormed back.

She wants to go home, she wants to find her grandmother, her father and mother. She wants her family to help her find the person, to give her justice. Even if she has to dig three feet into the ground, she will dig out that woman and return double the shame she inflicted upon her!

Aw, darn it! Darn it!

She ground her teeth in anger, her mind racing with countless ways to capture that woman and inflict upon her a brutal punishment. On the way, she thought of Lu Youdao again, remembering his arrogant and disdainful criticism, and the flames of anger in her heart burned even brighter.


Gritting her teeth, she spat out the name and swore that she would definitely get revenge for this humiliating incident!

Back home, she told her grandmother about it, and Old Mrs. He was heartbroken and furious! She had put in so much effort, going to great lengths to turn things around for her granddaughter. It had all been going smoothly, but now this happened, almost completely undoing all her hard work over the past few days!

Bystanders, can Mrs. He see things more clearly

“Someone must be behind this!”

He Yaxi was taken aback for a moment, then immediately reacted. Recalling the series of unpleasant events today, she immediately chimed in sharply. "Yes, someone must be trying to mess with me, definitely! That's it!"

Then who could it be!

The first person they thought of was Rong Ling! Recently, the He family had offended him the deepest. But he had already made a promise to Bingbing, saying that he would not harm the fundamental interests of the He family, and he had stopped the hacking attacks, allowing all the He family's related industries to operate normally again. They had long thought that this matter should end like this. Rong Ling's sudden attack was really hard to explain! As the head of the Rong family, such a major decision-maker, how could he go back on his word to a child!

He Ya raised an eyebrow, feeling like she was getting somewhere.

“Grandma, I think that droad today seems familiar to me, like I've seen him somewhere before. I think we should investigate him, maybe we can follow the clues and find out more! And――” a spark flashed in her eyes. “Hmph, that person, I won’t let him get away with it!”

Mrs. He nodded, this was still easy to do, after all, she had a name and a reputation. As long as that droad wasn't relying on some powerful force, the He family would naturally give that boy some lessons. Now, what was more difficult was that woman with red lips and white teeth who slandered He Ya and then left in a grand manner!

"Ah Kuan, you find someone and have her piece together that person's portrait. While you're at it, find out who's behind this. I want to see who dares play tricks on the He family like this! They don't take us seriously at all!"

He Kuan is now staying at home doing nothing. When something happens in the family, he naturally participates in it first. Hearing what the old lady said, he immediately agreed to do it.

Mrs. He blamed He Ya for not stopping the person, otherwise they wouldn't have to work so hard now. He Ya bit her lip, her face full of regret. At that time, the situation was urgent, and how could she possibly stop them!

It's just that the woman had this ability. When she casually pointed to a painting and demanded it be recreated, she did so with such effortless skill, demonstrating that she was undoubtedly prepared. This is worthy of your deep contemplation and should serve as a warning to others.

"This matter must be thoroughly investigated! Our family is experiencing some misfortune right now, and what we fear most are enemies lurking in the shadows!"

Old Mrs. He made a final, decisive statement. The faces of the other members of the He family, including their wives and children, were cast in a shadow of worry and apprehension.

"What should we do about this girl! Is she even leaving!" He Ya's mother flashed with worry. Today, she caused another commotion. Her daughter's reputation was ruined again. As a mother, her heart ached!

He Yaye looked at her grandmother expectantly!

Old Mrs. He thought for a long time, sighed, and said in an unyielding tone, "Go! If we drag this out any longer, things might not get much better. Let the girl leave first and then we'll talk. This way, she won't be targeted by others. If there is any room for maneuver on our end, us grandmothers, mothers, and aunts will help her, and the girl shouldn't participate anymore!"

He Ya thought about it and agreed! After all, only when she returned with Rong Ling's child could she truly clear up the rumors of her being naked that day. Today's art exhibition was just a "drop in the bucket" way to salvage the situation!

There, Lu Youdao said with relish about the commotion that happened at the art exhibition, and couldn't help but applaud the woman in glasses.

"When I see that woman again, I'm definitely going to take her out for a meal. This is amazing!"

Lin Meng tilted her head, her eyes flickering with doubt. "Xiao Dao, you said, those paintings on display, were they really stolen by He Ya from that woman!"

"Who knows!" Lu Youdao didn't care about this at all. All he knew was that He Ya had disgraced herself terribly. "Anyway, everyone thinks she plagiarized! That woman, hmph, she'll have to stay home for a long time. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to show my face so boldly in front of everyone anymore!"

Lin Meng smiled wryly, feeling a sense of schadenfreude for Lu Youdao at this moment. Unexpectedly, her younger brother would use this way to vent his anger for her. She was touched by it. As for He Ya, she would never show any sympathy!

However, that girl with glasses seems a bit suspicious! How to say it, she also dealt with He Ya, and it doesn't seem like He Ya is that foolish. Besides, the He family seems quite concerned about their reputation, they shouldn't openly do something like that, right But that girl with glasses clearly has some skill, and it doesn't look fake. Could it be that He Ya really is stupid enough to encroach on someone else's things!

Surely you're not so shameless!

Lin Meng thought about it, but she still didn't understand. However, she knew there were only two possibilities: either He Ya really faked the evidence, or He Ya didn't fake it, but she must have offended someone! Lin Meng had considered whether someone else was coincidentally helping her like Lu Youdao, but after filtering through her mind, she shook her head.

The only person she could think of was Rong Ling, but Rong Ling had already punished the He family before, so he shouldn't interfere a second time. As for others, she did remember Jiang Chengfeng saying something strange to her -- "Won't let anyone bully you." But -- could it be him!

For this possibility, her heart skipped a beat. But just sitting there and being blown by the cool wind, her thoughts subsided. If it were really him, he should have said something, right Even if he didn't, she would just wait and see!

This, however, was a wrong turn for Lin Mengxiang took. She filtered everyone out and suspected Rong Ling, but she forgot to suspect Rong Ling's brothers! This was also because she instinctively regarded those brothers as one with Rong Ling. What Rong Ling did was probably something they all did together!

This, however, is a wrong turn!

First of all, Yu Xu wouldn't let He Ya off the hook! The hot gossip spreading throughout the city was orchestrated by Yu Xu. He managed so many nightclubs; once he gave the order, his hostesses would naturally "accidentally" spread rumors about He Ya's promiscuity to the guests. After all, they were all part of the same social circle. If a hostess or young master from one establishment acquired a bad reputation, it would spread like wildfire!

Secondly, the one responsible was Lao Qi Chen Zhi. While he attacked He Family's business under Rong Ling's order, it was him and his team of elite experts who carried out the attack. It's important to note that the He Family didn't just sit idly by. They also hired high-level IT experts to counterattack. To withstand these attacks, Chen Zhi indeed put in a lot of effort.

Then there's Shi Yu! This man is usually gentle and polite with a faint smile, he's very good at keeping calm and patient. He said that everyone has a special person in their heart, and once that person is touched, he will definitely not stand idly by. This time, the woman with glasses was the one he appointed. From finding the right candidate to stealing every painting He Ya was going to hang, then letting the master copyist—the woman with glasses—memorize them all thoroughly, it wasn't difficult at all. After all, avoiding He Ya's family and the large staff wasn't easy. Moreover, he also dispatched some people to mingle in the art exhibition, fanning the flames at the crucial moment and building momentum for the woman with glasses, which was also very necessary.

As for the He family wanting to find the woman with glasses, forget about it. Someone like Shi Yu wouldn't leave any clues behind! The woman with glasses wore such large glasses, makeup, and a wig, and even had her appearance partially altered by a specialist invited by Shi Yu. This made the woman with glasses instantly become a fictional character. If the He family wanted to use electronic systems to piece together the woman with glasses' portrait and then follow the clues, it would be a complete waste of effort!

The He family had indeed wasted their efforts. Until nightfall, they only gained some information about Lu Youdao. As for the woman with glasses, they found nothing at all! This was enough to make He Ya and the entire He family hate Lin Meng!

"It's her again, it's always her, ah -- ah -- Damn it! Damn it!"

He Ya went crazy, clutching at her own hair desperately! He Ma pleaded frantically, finally stopping her from harming herself. But her mouth still muttered angrily, "I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore! I must make that woman die, make her die, get rid of her quickly!"

He Jia's sister-in-law, Li Yiping, heard this and couldn't help but frown. She said anxiously, "Girl, you better keep this to yourself. Don't just casually say it out loud. What if someone else hears it It wouldn't be good!"

This grand He family isn't just her, He Ya! If she wants to die, she should at least consider others! Besides, there are so many people in the house now, and they all have ears! Last time, it was just her and her grandson plotting. Is she planning to make this murder plot public this time!

He Yaya, however, was inwardly going crazy and couldn't care less about anything else. “What's there to be afraid of!” Because she was about to go abroad soon, she saw this as her last indulgence. Besides, this was in her own home, why should she still hide and be discreet

However, Old Mrs. He still had some sense and knew that the murder plot was a conspiracy. She couldn't possibly say it in front of so many people. So she immediately roared, interrupting He Ya. "Girl, what nonsense are you talking about! I don't want to hear this again!"

He Ya was stunned.

"If I don't talk to you for a few days, you won't even know your north from your south!" Old Mrs. He's face darkened, and she angrily whacked the floor with her cane. "Everyone else get out! I need to have a good talk with this girl alone!"

At this time, He Ya's mother also reacted, hurriedly accompanying her in the act, feigning fear and saying, "Mom, please don't be angry. This girl is crazy, that's why she speaks so recklessly. She just said it out of frustration, she wouldn't really mean it!"

“Hmph! Talking won't do anything! Our He family is a respectable one, we don't allow our descendants to talk nonsense like this!” With a glare, she swept her gaze around the room and roared again in a hoarse voice. “What, aren't you all listening to me I told you to get out, why are you still here!”

"Mom, just let her off this time. She's still young, she didn't really mean it..."

Mother He had played her part well! Because among the descendants of the He family, she couldn't predict which one would betray the He family and secretly communicate with Rong Ling. Therefore, she had to make them believe that what just happened was merely He Ya’s careless talk, and both she and Old Madam He were vehemently opposed to it.

In secret, He Mu fiercely pinched He Ya, finally waking the young fool up. She immediately put on a show, "thud" and knelt down, hugging Old Mrs. He's leg, repenting. "Grandma, please don't be angry, I was wrong, I just got carried away by anger..."

"Get out!" Old Mrs. He shouted at her descendants for the third time. Forced by her authority, the descendants finally quickly left this time. With a glance from Old Mrs. He, the well-behaved maid immediately closed the door.

“You stupid fool!” Old Mrs. He spat out the words, but they lacked the anger she had just shown.

He Mother also lectured He Ya, teaching her about inappropriate situations. He Ya lowered her head, taking the scolding, but a look of grievance was still evident on her pretty little face.

"You!" Old Mrs. He sighed helplessly, pressing down on the anger rising in her chest. She looked seriously at He Ya and said: "That Lin Meng is just a matter of time. Walls have ears, so from now on, say less about her! And those talk about wishing someone dead, you mustn't utter a single word about it again! The descendants of the He family, always talking about wanting someone dead, if this gets out, others will think we are too arrogant, risking ridicule and suspicion!"

He Ya let out a whimper of grievance, but there was still some resentment in her heart. It wasn't necessary to bring up death, but the wrongs she had suffered today were truly unbearable. Since Lin Meng allowed Lu Youdao to damage her reputation so badly, she couldn't just be cowardly and let herself be bullied. Remembering the newspapers she had read these past two days, she smiled coldly.

"Grandma, since Lin Meng is so bullying, we can't just let her get away with it here. Since Lin Zi and she are sisters, going after her through Lin Zi would be quite easy!"

How could she have forgotten, Lin Meng's sister is also an exceptional beauty!

Old Mrs. He thought for a moment, but then shook her head. "Forget it, I don't want to cause trouble this time, I'll let her off."

"This can't be right!" He Ya refused.

Old Mrs. He felt a pang of disappointment in her heart. To be honest, she was worried about her granddaughter, but look at what her granddaughter had been doing lately, it was truly embarrassing for the He family. It's understandable that she didn't capture Rong Ling that day, but to be so oblivious that Yu Xu snuck into the room! And today's incident, such a good opportunity for her to clear her name, yet she, with her own painting, ended up losing to this random woman who appeared out of nowhere! If she had stood up for herself, wouldn't she have prevented someone else's scheme

Oh, Mrs. He is so upset! She’s fuming inside, mostly because this afternoon she was ridiculed by a younger sister of hers. Furthermore, her children and grandchildren came back home in the evening and complained about being gossiped about outside. Since He Ya is part of the He family, how could they possibly escape scrutiny given her current state

Given the recent turmoil, which can be said to be entirely caused by He Ya, the descendants of the He family all have some thoughts and feelings of discomfort in their hearts. Therefore, with various factors taken into consideration, Mrs. He now finds it difficult to favor He Ya unconditionally when looking at her!

She found her granddaughter, who usually seemed so intelligent, to be quite stubborn and foolish in this moment, all for the sake of a quick win!

“Making Lin Meng disappear is a major undertaking, it can't be done carelessly. You are angry now and plan to get revenge on her, be careful not to end up attracting Rong Ling’s attention again. In the end, if something happens to Lin Meng, do you think Rong Ling won’t suspect you first Right now, we should distance ourselves from Lin Meng as much as possible!”

"Well then, I admit defeat this time!"

"If everyone is going to be gone, why can't you bear this" Old Madam He widened her eyes and her voice grew stern.

He Ya immediately knew that if her grandmother's anger just now was a performance, this time she was genuinely furious. She hurriedly restrained her emotions, plastered on a sweet smile, and quickly hugged her grandmother's legs again, bringing her face close, rubbing her cheek against it like a kitten, and coquettishly pouted,

"Grandma, I'm not being stubborn, it's just that my brain isn't working well because I'm upset! Grandma, please don't get mad at me. I'm still young, and you are so much more knowledgeable and experienced than me. You consider everything so carefully. Grandma, you are the best grandma in the world! I listen to you."

He Ya continued to act cute for a while, and then a smile appeared on Old Mrs. He's face. After all, this was her granddaughter who she had doted on since she was young. When she got angry, it was only temporary!

"You understand, right! Just go abroad peacefully tomorrow. Once you're out of the country, you won't have to worry about anything here. Just focus on taking care of the baby!"

"Mm." He Ya replied sweetly.

But to just swallow this down, that's not He Ya!

Turning back, the moment she left Old Mrs. He's sight, she took out her phone and called someone in City J, urging them about publishing the old newspaper article!

"Haven't you got it yet!" she said impatiently.

The person in charge of gathering news about Lin Meng did get some information, but he wasn't willing to give it up so quickly. Firstly, by dangling the bait, he could raise the price later; secondly, he recently felt something was amiss, as if he were being watched. He trusted his instincts, and those in his line of work were known for their sharp intuition. Therefore, instead of revealing everything, he lied and said: "Just wait a little longer, but I'm already making progress. In a few days, there will be bigger gains!"

He Ya frowned unpleasantly. "How many days have passed, and you've only just begun to get a sense of the situation!"

The man simply replied in a low voice, "We've done our best, brothers have been working day and night there!"

Since things have come to this, He Ya couldn't really push back too hard. “Then let’s just try our best. Let me tell you, these things have a time limit, so the faster the better. If you drag it out, maybe I won’t be able to use them by then!”

The man's expression turned serious. After asking He Ya for a final deadline, he immediately assured her that he would urge his men to work harder!

"By the way, haven't you offended anyone there!" the man finally blurted out.

"What do you mean!" He Ya asked, her voice sharp.

The man hesitated for a moment before vaguely explaining. "I feel like someone might be following me, so I wanted to ask if you guys have offended anyone over there, or if something else has happened!"

He Ya's heart jumped suddenly, someone was following him! Who was it!

"Are you sure those people won't be affected because of what's happening over there!"

"We've only just taken on your order recently!"

He Ya's heart was a little flustered.

"What do you think they'd be like! Did you really look closely!"

"That's not true, I just feel like being followed!"

He Ya fell silent.

"Are you alright over there!" the man still cautiously asked.

He Ya said coldly, "That's all for now. You guys continue to investigate. When you have results, I definitely won't treat you badly. Also, just in case, let's keep our contact to a minimum from now on. I will send someone to be in charge of contacting you! Just wait for my call then!"

“That's not very appropriate, is it” the man said urgently. “We know Miss He’s character, so we could accept payment afterward. But if you change people… well, what if the person you mentioned refuses to take responsibility Then we… You know, our brothers go out and investigate, and now they're all footing the bill themselves…”

"Needless to say!" the person said, they just want money! Fine, she'll give it to him!

"I'll transfer some money to your account first, hmph, I'm not afraid you'll stiff me. You should know that the He family in Kyoto isn't someone you can easily offend!"

"That's impossible! Miss He's reputation has long been known throughout the land..."

This, however, is like a horse whipping its own tail! Now He Ya most dislikes it when someone mentions "reputation" or "not reputation" in front of her.

"Alright, that's it!"

She impatiently hung up the phone quickly. At the same time, the man's words from before flashed in her mind!

Is someone stalking him!

Who could it be!

Could it really be her!

Will it be... Will it be...

As soon as she thought about the possibility of alarming Rong Ling, she felt a twinge of fear! But deep down, she didn't want to admit that this man was truly so powerful, and could still have people in City J up until now.

No matter what, she can't contact anyone in J city anymore. She's leaving the country tomorrow, and then she has to act like she's completely cut off from everything domestic. This way, even if something goes wrong, it will be someone else she found to take the blame! Before getting rid of Lin Meng, she absolutely needs to ruin her reputation first!

Even if that woman died, she would still die with a bad reputation!

Grumbling to herself, she began to ponder which agent would be best suited for her. Someone who would be loyal to her until the end, but also someone who could be easily scapegoated and discarded without any burden on her.

She slowly sat down and began to think.

Over there, Rong Ling quickly received a follow-up report from his subordinates. Seeing that He Ya was still stubbornly trying to gather relevant information, the purpose of which was undoubtedly to harm Lin Meng, Rong Ling felt that the punishment for that woman was probably too lenient.

He knew about everything Shi Yu had done. When he heard about the art exhibition this afternoon, based on his years of understanding of his own brother, he guessed it was Shi Yu's doing. He wouldn't say much about it, because it was Shi Yu's heart for Lin Meng!

However, He Ya, despite being humiliated like this, still hasn't learned her lesson. She's simply reckless!

"Keep your eyes on them!"

He wanted to see what kind of waves she could make with her abilities! He just hoped she wouldn't perform too poorly, otherwise, it wouldn't be worth watching!

The next day, news of He Ya's departure abroad reached his ears once again with astonishing speed.

"Boss, what should we do next!" the subordinate asked respectfully. Because once we cross borders, the nature of surveillance will have to change.

Rong Ling frowned slightly!

Going abroad That doesn't seem like her style at all! To be honest, he practically watched her grow up. He knows her personality pretty well. She was so humiliated yesterday, and based on her character, she should have gotten even in some way. Why didn't she pursue anything and just walk away!

This doesn't seem right!

When things are unusual, there must be a demon!

What's going on overseas that's attracting her so much! It must be something really important, making her so anxious she can't wait even a second! Kyoto is vast and rich in resources, with everyone flocking there. There are countless beautiful women, probably gathering beauties from all over China. Yet, why would Rong Ling choose to come to J C...

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